
474532404 1166312528834574 5222615523408756198 nMark PicAt the Board of Directors meeting on January 29, 2025 a new President was chosen to replace the outgoing President Jon Henschel, Chief at WInchester Fire & Rescue Dept. Chief Henschel's upcoming retirement created the need for a new President to be chosen. Chief Henschel has served as the Council's President since 2009. Mark Barenklau, a longtime member of North Mountain Fire & Rescue, representing Frederick County on the Board of Directors, will assume the role of President on April 1, 2025 until the next annual meeting in August. 

T McLaurin 2After 17 years of extraordinary leadership and service, Tracey McLaurin, Director of the Lord Fairfax EMS Council, has announced her plans to retire early in 2025. Throughout her tenure, Tracey has been a driving force in advancing emergency medical services across the Northern Shenandoah Valley region, including Clarke, Frederick, Page, Warren, Shenandoah, & the City of Winchester.

Under her guidance, the Council has grown its mission to enhance pre-hospital care, strengthen community partnerships, and support EMS providers with education, resources, and advocacy. Her dedication and commitment to public safety have left an indelible mark on the EMS system and the communities it serves.

"Serving as Director of the Lord Fairfax EMS Council has been one of the greatest honors of my life," Tracey said. "While it’s hard to say goodbye, I’m deeply proud of all we’ve accomplished together. I’m looking forward to exploring new adventures in the next chapter of my life."

Tracey served for a number of years as the Secretary for the VA Regional Directors' group and most recently served as Vice-Chairperson & Chairperson for the group. 

The Council plans to initiate the recruitment process for a new Director in early 2025, after the holiday season. Please join us in expressing our heartfelt gratitude to her for her years of service and in wishing her the very best as she begins this exciting new journey.

FLEX4 Pro Duffel Angle 94999On November 1, 2024, the regulations set forth by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will come into effect. We are actively collaborating with stakeholders, other Regional EMS Councils, the Virginia Office of EMS, and various entities to assess the potential impact of these FDA changes on the Drug Box Program for each council. More
pdf LFEMS Medication Exchange Transition Memo April 4, 2024 (312 KB)  *NEW*
pdf LFEMS Medication Exchange Transition Memo March 29, 2024 (116 KB)