The Lord Fairfax EMS Council also offers additional classes thru organizations such as the American Health & Safety Institute (ASHI) all with a focus on keeping you and your family safe and prepared for emergencies.
Some of the classes include:
- Babysitter Training
The ASHI Child & Babysitting Safety (CABS) training program is designed to focus on supervising, caring for, and keeping children and infants safe in babysitting settings. This 6 hour program provides fundamental information in the business of babysitting, proper supervision, basic caregiving skills, and responding properly to ill or injured children or infants.
This class is perfect for young people between the ages of 11 and 15 who are interested in providing babysitting services. There are no prequisites, however CPR, AED, and First Aid certification is strongly recommended. For an intro video, click here.
pdf ASHI CABS Specification Sheet (743 KB) - Wilderness First Aid
Wilderness environments create special situations not usually encountered in an urban or suburban environment. With an ASHI Wilderness First Aid class, first responders in a remote outdoor setting will be better prepared to respond when faced with limited resources, longer times to care for someone, and decisions about when and how fast to evacuate an ill or injured person. This comprehensive 16 hour wilderness first aid course meets or exceeds the Boy Scouts of America Wilderness First Aid Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines, 2017 Edition.
Course topics include: preparation and assessment, preventing and caring for injuries and illnesses, environmental hazards, and other wilderness considerations.
pdf ASHI Wilderness First Aid Specification Sheet (952 KB) - Advanced First Aid
The ASHI Advanced First Aid course is designed for the person who needs or desires more first aid trianing than basic first aid, but not to the level of Emergency Medical Response. Perfect for corporate emergency response teams, this 17-21 hour Advanced First Aid certification course presents many of the most common illnesses and injuries responders are likely to encounter.
This course is designed for non-EMS responders including government, corporate, industry, lifeguards, security personnel, law enforcement, corrections personnel, and other individuals who are not EMS or healthcare providers, but desire or require certification in Advanced First Aid.
Basic Life Support (Healthcare Provider CPR) is a pre-requisite for this course. Successful completion is based on achievement of the core learning objectives rather than a prescribed instruction time.
pdf Advanced First Aid Table of Contents (36 KB)